Sunday, June 10, 2007

How I proposed...

Finding the Ring
I'd been ring shopping for about two months when I happened upon "the ring". It just jumped out at me. So much so, I almost bought it on impulse. Instead, I asked them to put it on hold & began surveying everyone I knew who didn't talk to Kaitlyn on a daily basis. (i.e. co-workers & family) In short: I was lost and asking everyone for directions.

Not Losing the Ring
The ring past through a type of mini inquisition; I was soliciting advice from everywhere. I must say, Dad delivered, he offered two great pieces of advice:

1) Never let finance get in the way of romance
2) Never propose in a parking lot (as he did)

For me that cemented it, I bought the ring. He also warned me that if I did buy the ring it would be burning a hole in my pocket until I proposed. I rarely admit this but he was right. I was like a teenager with a pocketful of allowance. I was toying with idea of surprising Kaitlyn when/if she decided to visit her good friend Thalia in New York. This quickly changed from a vague "wouldn't it be nice if" notion into a serious plan. Now all I had to do was keep it hidden from Kaitlyn. That is easier said than done in a 600 sq/ft apartment.

The Conspiracy
What can I say about Thalia? She is an amazing sweet, creative & caring friend. The problem was she was Kailtyn's amazing sweet, creative, caring friend, not mine. Thalia and I had only meet twice and briefly at that. I stole her number from Kaitlyn's phone. We spent the week leading up to the trip planning out all the little details. By the time, I reach New York we were thick as thieves. Kaitlyn was none the wiser; as she very awkwardly pointed out (after the proposal) "I thought you hated each other?" She had to back pedal so fast, I could swear I heard tires screeching.

The Plan
It's 4:00 a.m. on Saturday morning & I'm driving Kaitlyn to the airport to catch her flight to New York. Little does she know I'm hopping on a plane in 12 hours and following her there. Before I tell you what the plan was let me tell you a little about my co-conspirator Thalia. Thalia works for Dean and Duluca and writes for New York magazine about food. This makes her essentially the queen of all things tasty. While I was born more or less without a sense of taste. I had this vision (my previously mentioned vague notion) of surprising her with a beautiful picnic and proposal in Central Park. No sooner did I say those words did Thalia make it happen. She put together an unbelievable basket of cheese, chocolates, crackers.... you name it. It would be better than I could imagine unless of course it rained.

The Park
It rained. Everything had gone perfect. I made it to New York. Kaitlyn was still in the dark. Thalia had put together the most amazing assortment of food I'd ever seen. But now it was raining, I was standing at the Center South Entrance to the park and looking at the text message from Thalia "What do we do now?” We'd talked about back up plans but I still wasn't willing to part with the idea. I was 100 yards from my goal, I had to press on. I texted Thalia back & bought an umbrella.

It's 5:15 on Sunday. Thalia was meant to bring Kaitlyn here 15 minutes ago under the guise of a festival. But the weather had thrown everything out of wack and from the sounds of Thalia's last text Kaitlyn was busy shopping. She is a really big fan of H&M. Besides, who would want to go the park when it was raining? As fate would have it, both Kaitlyn's shopping habit & the rain turned out to be a blessing.

The Surprise
It's 6:00 p.m. Sunday and I'm in the South Central section of Central Park. Thank god it rained. The timing was perfect; the rain cleared almost everyone out of the park leaving alone in this grassy knoll overlooking the pond. It was, for lack of a better word, perfect. Kaitlyn and Thalia had made it. As they walked in everything I'd practice saying and doing fled my mind. How was I going to get her attention? Sure I was the only person around but I was a good 40 yards from the path. That isn't a problem for most people but at 40 yards I could be anyone to Kaitlyn. So I did the first thing that popped into mind, I yelled her name. Thank god, she is as deaf as she is blind (just teasing). Here was this romantic gesture I'd put everything into and I almost ruined it by shouting one better than "Hey you!".

When Kaitlyn did see me, she was shocked. I'm fairly sure that until that moment I'd never really seen anyone do a "double take". Kaitlyn turned to Thalia and ask "Is that Ian?" sure enough Thalia played dumb, "I don't know". She slowly walked to me. Her face slowly changed from puzzlement to utter shock. I'd spent the past two months trying to convince Kaitlyn that I couldn't possible propose for at least 6 - 8 months. She would later confess that she wondered if it would ever happen.

On my knee I asked Kaitlyn to be my wife. At this point, the tears were streaming and I swear she never even looked at the ring before saying yes. This was one of the happiest moments of my life.

Well, as you can tell I could go on. Don't worry I won't. How we got home is completely different story. I'll save that one for later.

Surprise, surprise!

Ah, my first blog post. It seems there are a lot of firsts and change is in the air! I mean, I go home for my baby brother's college graduation (I still can't believe it, I feel like I just graduated), I donate 11 inches of my hair to Locks of Love, I go to NYC and come back engaged! A co-worker joked, "you should cut more hair off, who knows what you could get?"
I'm thinking... shaved head = Lamborghini?

There are a few cute things that I can add to the story...

Before going to NYC, that Friday night we saw Spider Man 3. In the movie, Peter is going to propose to Mary Jane, things go awry and he feels he's not ready (sorry to ruin that for anyone!). Afterward, Ian and I sat down and I shared that I felt that I may not be ready. I can't imagine how Ian must have been feeling right then with his NYC plan about to unfold! I knew that it would be awhile before Ian could afford a ring and was beginning to think we'd be one of those couples that date forever and never get married.

Going to NYC, I hadn't been in contact with Thalia much. She seemed to be very busy with work (Ian talked to her more than I did!). When I arrived she explained that she had a big order in and may need to go to work. She was on the phone a lot and when her phone rang while she was in the shower I checked who was calling. Thank god that call really was from Dean and DeLuca and not one of the occasions Ian was calling! Their cover would have been blown!

We went to D&D a couple of times and Thal showed me this cute over the shoulder picnic basket she got her mom. When I started looking for a price she said, "I can find that out for you in the back". On a later visit we went to the back office to meet her friends. I found out that Thal hadn't taken Monday off! I was shocked! She knew I was going to be there but she and her friends managed to distract me with plans of going out that evening....

We went shopping at H&M I wondered why Thal was getting antsy, I mean, she loves to shop! There isn't an H&M in Dallas and I was getting my fix...but I thought nothing of it and hurried so we could get some grub. We ate at this fabulous Venezuelan restaurant called Caracas Arepa Bar where I was so hot in my long sleeve shirt I decided to change into one of my new H&M shirts (Thal strongly encouraged this and I'm glad she did the color made for a great photo later!). After eating we headed to Central Park.

When we got off the subway, Thal began deleting photos from her camera. Again, someone else might have thought this odd, but I was just happy to see some of her birthday photos. Coming up to the park, I noticed that it looked empty and thought we'd missed the festival. Not a big deal I thought, Thal wanted to show me a spot she'd had a picnic. As we walked in Thal took me down to the pond and started pointing out buildings. So I start looking around the park, taking in the vibrant greens and beautiful mist the recent rain had left. When I'd turned around noticed a guy staring right at me, standing in a suit and leaning on an umbrella with picnic spread out behind him and a strangely familiar picnic basket...

I didn't believe my eyes, I turned and asked Thalia "Is that Ian?" She said something like "I don't know, why don't you go check it out?" I started walking toward him and immediately started crying... I knew what was coming and was saying yes and gesturing for him to get up... I was overwhelmed.

All the while Thal was snapping photos and waiting to describe all the goodies she'd packed for us. After explaining all the delicious treats she had picked (I think we liked the chocolate covered pretzel balls best!) she left us to bask in the glow of the moment.

A surprise picnic proposal in Central Park... unbelieveable... I am such a lucky girl!

Designer Weddings for less..

We just finished watching Designer Weddings for less (a show on HGTV) and we've come to one conclusion. It is... Lies All Lies! Well perhaps not all lies, but we were mystified at how they found some of their "savings". All in all they did have a some interesting ideas. I have a really strong feeling I'm going to be watching many more shows like these & reading more bridal magazines than I ever imagined any man would. The strange thing is because it is our wedding. I kinda like it. Pssst... don't tell Kaitlyn.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

What this is all about?

We're happy to announce that on May 20th Kaitlyn & I were engaged. Don't worry if you haven't yet heard the story you soon will. We plan on our next posts being a retelling of that story from our respective perspectives. In any case, we've decided to share our wedding planning with you. This is the single most important day in our lives and we're enlisting the help of our friends & family. Over the next, year we'll share stories, pictures and even some polls who knows you might even help Kaitlyn pick out her Wedding dress. So we invite all of you to share childhood stories, embarrassing pictures & good (or bad) wedding planning ideas.

Look forward to hearing from you,

Kaitlyn & Ian